Affiliate Disclosure

Hi, Friends!

As the saying goes, honesty is the best policy, and I want to be honest with you about my blog and the affiliate programs I’m involved in. While I buy a large majority of products I use with my own money, sometimes companies send me products to use and promote on social media or my blog as a guest designer. While products may be given to me, all opinions given on them are my own. I am not paid to sing praises of products and tell you that they’re the best thing since sliced bread, but if I do, I truly mean it.

With that said, here are companies that I am affiliated with:

These companies allow me to share links with you to products that I use that, and if you shop with my links, would allow me to get a commission on that sale at no extra cost to you. Any commissions I make get funneled back into the upkeep of my blog and YouTube channel, as well as purchasing more fun products to create with and share with you. This is an incredible privilege to have and one that I take seriously. Before each supply list on my blog posts, I will always have a disclosure statement to tell you who I am affiliated with and if products were sent to me.

If you want to shop my links, you can do so using the clickable product links at the bottom of my blog posts, or the links in the bulleted list above!

Thanks so much for your support!

